How to Clean Walls With Paint or Wallpaper Like a Pro?


How to Clean Walls With Paint or Wallpaper Like a Pro?

By Wallpaper Land on January 12, 2023


When it comes to interior décor and style, wall treatments have always been given special importance, which is fair enough? And speaking of the wall treatments, paint job and wallpaper are the two most used wall coverings all across the globe.

However, even the most assiduous cleaners are found oblivious when it comes to cleaning the walls. So if you’re also looking to clean your painted or wallpapered walls like a pro, you’ve come across the most informative piece of writing in this regard!

From the much-needed supplies to a step-by-step procedure explanation, all the necessary elements will be discussed in this article by Wallpaper Land. So, stay with us and help yourself clean your home walls like a professional.

A Step-By-Step Explanation Of DIY Wall Cleaning Having Paint And Wallpaper Treatments

Wall treatments get dirty with the passage of time and need to be cleaned for gleaming and attractive appearances. Both the wallpaper and paint pretty much share the same cleaning process and therefore, we’ve explained a general procedure that you can follow for cleaning the walls.

Supplies/Equipment Needed

Prior to moving on, there’s a list of equipment/supplies that you’ll require during the task. And it’s good idea to arrange all these materials before the process, to avoid any inconvenience later on.

  • Liquid hand wash or dish soap
  • Water
  • Soft cloth pieces or rags
  • Tack cloth (For dust removal)
  • Two small buckets
  • Stain remover
  • Vacuum with a dust brush attachment
  • Baking soda or Vinegar
  • Foam/Sponge brush
  • Hydrogen peroxide (For Stain Removal)
  • A ladder

At this point, it’s important to know that you should avoid using ammonia-based solutions or any other types of abrasive cleaning agents that can damage the wall coverings.

1. Protect The Interior Flooring & Furniture

The first and foremost thing is to protect all your valuable interior elements like flooring, furniture, wall art, etc. For furniture, replacing your sofa, bed, or chair is best so that the drips or splashes don’t rob you of your valuable investment.

Similarly, you can place towels or plastic tarps to protect your floorings from the damaging effects of chemical solution drips. Not to mention that you’ll have to remove any form of painting or wall art as well to get the job done without any hurdles and with efficacy.


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2. Remove The Dust & Dirt From The Walls

To efficiently clean your home wallpaper and painted walls, you must dust the walls first. For this purpose, your vacuum with a dust brush attachment is the most useful option. In case you can’t arrange the vacuum, then don’t worry because a foam/sponge brush will prove to be an ideal replacement.

3. Create The Cleaning Solution

When it comes to solution preparation for wallpaper or paint removal, there are two different possibilities. First, you can create a solution by mixing a bucket full of warm water with baking soda or liquid hand wash.

This solution will prove effective against dust marks and spots. Also, you can easily cope with mild staining issues with this solution.

Second, you can try mixing a small bucket full of warm water with a suitable amount of vinegar to make an effective solution. This cleaning solution will also help you address all the stubborn wallpaper marks.


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4. Test The Solution On The Wall Treatment

Obviously, you will certainly not want to get your wallpaper or wall paint damaged with the cleaning solution. Therefore, the best approach is to test the solution on an unnoticeable area of the wall treatment i.e. a part that’s usually hidden behind a painting or furniture.

That’s a necessary thing to do because some types of wallpaper like matte wallpaper are too delicate to be cleaned with chemical solutions in comparison to high-gloss wallpapers. When found spotless, you can use the cleaning solution without fear of damaging or discoloring your wall treatment.

5. Apply The Solution & Clean The Walls

Once you’ve made sure that the cleaning solution is safe to work with, you can start cleaning the walls. Needless to say, you must do the cleaning process from the top.

You’ll be using a sponge to clean the walls. Adding further, dip and squeeze the sponge into the chemical solution and clean the walls with gentle circular movements of your hand. Also, try to apply as little liquid as possible to avoid the likelihood of watermarks or bubbling.

6. Have A Go At Stubborn Stains

Most probably, you will encounter stains when cleaning the wallpaper or paint surface ranging from those of mild degree to stubborn ones. To clean the stains, apply the solution of Baking Soda and warm water mixed separately to tackle them. For this purpose, you should mix the baking soda and water in small quantities to form a paste that can be easily applied to the stain.

If the stain persists and doesn’t show any signs of disappearing, then you should go with hydrogen peroxide to remove stains. Particularly the red wine stains can be easily taken care of in this manner.

Having that said, some types of wallpapers do not approve the use of hydrogen peroxide for stain removal purposes. In such cases, you should consult the wallpaper supplier for a solution.

7. Clean The Walls

When you’ve removed the stains and properly cleaned the wallpaper or painted surface, it’s time to rinse the wall. You can make use of a clean and soft cloth dipped in water for this purpose. Again, don’t forget to wring the damp cloth really well to avoid any unwanted circumstances.


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8. Let The Walls Dry Completely

In the end, you can either let the walls be air-dried or run a dry cloth over the wall surface. If you opt for the former option, you’ll have to wait a little more. However, cleaning the walls using a dry rag can reduce the time span significantly.

To Sum Up

Cleaning your home walls on a regular basis helps keep their gleaming appearance alive. This article explains a step-by-step method to help you DIY clean your home walls with paint or wallpaper like a professional. Thus, you need not pay any extra money to the professionals and just spare some of your precious time to get this much-needed and crucial task completed with efficiency.

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