How To Trim And Cut Wallpaper: Tools, Tips, & Correct Approach


How To Trim And Cut Wallpaper: Tools, Tips, & Correct Approach

By Wallpaper Land on March 13, 2023


No doubt, a DIY wallpaper installation can save you a lot of money but the chances of inflicting damage upon your valuable investment also increase simultaneously. In that case, you’re solely responsible for bringing your perfect design wallpaper to the trash bin in case it’s of no use anymore.

This effectively highlights the importance of properly understanding how to trim and cut the wallpaper for perfect installations. On this topic, if you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to get information and avoid mistakes, you’ve luckily found the best reading guide available on the internet.

Wallpaper Land has got you a detailed explanation of the ideal approach to trimming and cutting different wallpapers including essential tools and helpful tips and tricks.

A Comprehensive Guide For DIY Cutting & Trimming Wallpapers

Home interior redesigning can add to the elegance and interest of the space with purposeful dramatic focal point creations. One such example is the wallpaper installation, that too, in a perfect and precise manner. Let’s move on to the first step in the guide.

The Must-Have Tools For Hanging Wallpapers

One can’t have the expertise and skills of professionals when DIY hanging wallpapers. But, you can always have damage-free and precise installations by arranging for a wallpaper hanging kit. Following are the tools and materials that are used for hanging wallpapers.

  • Drop Cloth
  • Step Ladder
  • Piranha Sponge (To Remove Adhesive Residues)
  • Scoring Tool
  • Wallpaper Remover
  • Snap-Blade Utility Knife
  • Primer
  • Wallpaper Scraper
  • Level
  • Wallpaper Adhesives
  • Foam Rollers & Brushes
  • Measuring Tape
  • Scissors
  • Straight Edge Knife

The Importance Of Straight, Sharp Cuts For Wallpaper Hanging

For cutting the wallpaper, a snap-blade utility knife, scissors, or a straightedge knife can be used. Whatever the tool may be, the important aspect is the sharpness of the blade used for this purpose. Yes, one should avoid using dull-edged blades for cutting the wallpaper. Because it can result in irregular and rough cuts or often leads to tearing of the wallpaper around corners.

On the other hand, wallpapers cut using sharp blades have smooth, regular, sharp, and straight edges that look beautiful in sight. That’s why the most recommended tool is a snap-blade utility knife, for this purpose.

Some Crucial Tips & Tricks For Cutting Wallpaper

Going for a DIY wallpaper installation? Well, you should precisely follow these tips and tricks to avoid mistakes and prevent damages to your valuable investment.

  1. The 2-Inch Rule: Even professionals when cutting wallpaper take into account the possibility of wrong cuts and therefore, leave an additional 2 inches around the top and bottom part of the wallpaper. It proves to be significantly helpful for making pattern corrections and rectifying mistakes.
  2. The Sharp Blade: As already explained above, the importance of using a sharp blade gets highlighted again.
  3. Small Cuts: Always cut the wallpaper in small sections and on a flat surface. Avoid making one long cut even when going straight.
  4. Measure Twice, Cut Once: Check twice for the right measurements before cutting the wallpaper.
  5. Draw Pencil Marks: You can draw pencil marks for efficient cuts and trims. This way the chances of errors are minimized to a great extent.
  6. Use Scoring Tool: If you’re dealing with thick, textured wallpaper surfaces, use a scoring tool for added efficacy in cutting the wallpaper.

The Best Approach To DIY Wallpaper Cuts & Trims

We’ve explained below the best approach to cut the wallpaper for efficient and precise installations.

Cutting Dry Wallpaper

With more resistance to the sharp blade of a knife, dry wallpapers account for easy cuts and trims. Actually, dry wallpapers are stiff and therefore, scissors can be used to make cuts. Also, there is less possibility of irregular cuts and rough edges, this way.

If you’ve ever made cuts in wrapping paper using scissors, the scissors pushed along the paper, and cutting the surface was the way to go. Just like that, dry wallpaper cuts are easy to make, however, one should be careful as mistakes can still happen due to negligence.

Read More: Can You Wallpaper Over Wood Paneling?

Cutting Wet Wallpaper

When cuts are to be made after adhesive applications to the wallpaper, the chances of tearing, wrong cuts, and similar mistakes get multiplied. That’s because the wallpaper surface offers no resistance to the blade of the knife. In these situations, you need to be very careful to avoid ripping the wallpaper to pieces.

Cutting The Wallpaper Around Doors & Corners

You’ll surely encounter edges, corners, and curved surfaces when installing wallpaper. Obviously, there’s a need to cut the wallpaper around such areas for smooth wallpaper applications. So, what are the precautions to follow?

For this purpose, you should leave an additional 1 inch around the corner of the walls when the initial cut is to be made. Afterwards, you can opt for detailing around the corners with sharp scissors.

The ideal approach is to draw pencil marks for spot identifications. Never use a blade when cutting the wallpaper around the corners and edges because the stretched wallpaper surface creates strong tension to make tears along the way.

Read More: How to Remove Wallpaper From Plaster Walls?

Cutting The Wallpaper For Obstructions

There may be obstructions due to sockets, electric boards, light switches, archways, fireplaces, and similar reasons. So, how do you cut the wallpaper around such obstacles, and what are the tools recommended for this purpose?

For straight 90-degree wallpaper cuts, you need to draw straight pencil marks leaving 1 or half an inch from all sides. It’s really important that you should never cut from right at the corner for 90-degree wallpaper cuts.

That’s because the created tension in the wallpaper surface, when alleviated, will pull the wallpaper more towards the adjacent walls, thus leaving behind gaps around the sockets and light switches. That will not look any good and you’ll surely regret that afterwards.

For that additional ½ inch or so that was left from all sides, you can easily adjust that under the electric board, socket, or light switch for a continuous and delightful wallpaper appearance.

The End Note

To precisely cut and trim wallpapers for efficient installations, the ideal approach combined with the right tool to be used is a must while being extremely careful as well. In this post, we’ve explained all the tools essential for wallpaper hanging and the importance of making sharp, regular wallpaper cuts. In addition, the ideal approach to different types of wallpaper cuts has also been discussed in detail.

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