How To Choose the Right Exterior Paint Colors?


How To Choose the Right Exterior Paint Colors?

By Momi on February 27, 2023

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Paint selection for the home exterior can feel downright intimidating, especially when you are open about all the possibilities. And certainly, there’s no need to explain the importance of an ideal selection for home exterior paint because it’s entirely what reflects your personality and personal choices apart from creating delightful home appearances.

If you are unable to finalize a decision for home exterior paint, you should be glad to have found this article. In this post by Wallpaper Land, we are going to walk you through all the essential elements that should be kept in mind for ideal selections and dream appearances. We will clarify everything in various steps ahead so that everything is clear regarding the paint selection process.

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The All-Inclusive Information For An Ideal Exterior Paint Color Selection

No doubt, the magnificence and luxury of a home exterior are primarily determined by its design (structure). However, painting the exterior imparts a gleaming finish and desirable appearance to the exterior. And, the ideal selection of paint color for the home exterior is all that determines whether the exterior looks pleasant and ravishing or not.

Below, we have explained all the important parameters in a step-by-step discussion for the perfect home exterior paint color selection.

1. List Out Personal Preferences

The first and foremost thing is to start ruling out the possibilities by taking into account your personal color preferences. Everyone has a favorite color option but when it comes to appearances, there are many factors that determine the practical application.

Therefore, when you separate your favorite colors from the rest of the color wheel options, you’ll have more time to figure out what looks best and the task effort will be significantly reduced. However, this step will also rule out the possibility of out-of-the-box solutions for home exterior appearances.

Because you will have to pick an option from the desired color scheme from the number of options that you’ve limited for yourself. For most people, the ideally proven approach is the selection of soft, subtle colors from the color wheel because they can work with bright as well as dark color combinations. Again, the choice comes down to your personal preferences and area requirements!

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2. Look Around For Options & Solutions (Outside)

Obviously, the surroundings have a huge impact on the selection of exterior paint color for your home, unless the human community secluded you to live on an island! Therefore, you can rule out this important selection aspect when choosing an exterior paint color.

For this aspect, another great benefit is that you will find creative ideas, delightful color combinations, and charming appearances by looking at how others got their exteriors painted. And, it always works because none of them would have painted their exterior in a single color and there has to be diversity for ravishing combinations.

3. The Interior Theme Aspect

While it may sound absurd that the home interior theme and wall paint also play some part in the selection of an ideal exterior paint color, one can’t deny that at any point. That’s because there has to be relevance between the interior and exterior of the home for a cohesive overall vibe.

To follow up, you need to have a contrasting combination of the interior and the exterior with dominant and accent colors. That’s because painting the home’s interiors and exteriors in the same color will result in a décor clash and fail the purpose of painting the home at all.

4. Start With The Selection Of Paint For Shade

To begin with, you need to select a paint color for the shade. It’s not that demanding because there are only two possible options i.e. soft tones and dark color variations. And, the number of people picking out light colors for the shade equals the number of people going with dark color options.

In this concern, you can involve weather conditions (for their added effect) in the equation for an ideal selection. Adding further, if the climate conditions remain cloudy in your geographical location, you can opt for soft tones of the shade. While if it’s sunshine all day long in your area, then selecting dark paint color will have provide more aesthetic benefits.

5. Keep In Equation The Greenery

One can’t rule out the all-important aspect of greenery when selecting the exterior paint color for the home. That’s because greenery is a symbol of freshness, liveliness, and enjoyment besides the health benefits provided and the congenial factor included.

Most probably you have an outside lawn or a small garden with vegetation, flowers, and plant pods. If that’s the case, then drop the idea of having dark paint color for the home exterior. That’s because dark colors won’t match the overall aesthetic vibe of the scenario.

Still, you will be left with a lot of possible choices on the color wheel, such as soft hues, neutral palettes, and light-colored options. No need to mention that each color has various different shades as well for helping with the exemplary paint color choices.

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6. Test Out The Sample Design Applications

A paint color selected for the home exterior can have an altogether different appearance in comparison to the sample. Also, some colors lose out on their curb appeal when large-scale applications are under consideration.

When at the paint store, you should demand a picture sample or look for completed project applications to idealize the appearance of different home exteriors. For online purchases, most paint-selling companies allow you to visualize before and after scenarios for different projects to help you get an idea about whether to opt for a certain color or not.

The Important Parameters To Consider For Ideal Home Exterior Paint Selection

Everyone tells you to buy the best quality paint for exterior applications, but no one explains the basis for what parameters should be the selection. Below, we have briefly explained all the selection parameters for selecting the home exterior paint ideally.

  • Durability: Top-quality paint material can last years and years without drying and peeling off.
  • Weather Resistance: The scorching heat of the sun, rain, dust, dirt, etc are all the factors that the home exterior paint has to withstand. Therefore, you should re-coat the painted exterior surfaces every 3-4 years for seamless and gleaming appearances.
  • Online Scams: You should avoid online scams that sell you low-quality paint at a high price and it is recommended to buy paint physically from a store. This way you will get the genuine product at an actual price.
  • Long-Lasting Investment: Always consider the long-run benefit when buying paint and never go cheap for your home exterior appearances.


Choosing the right paint color for the home exterior may have been a hectic task but it won’t be this way anymore. Because we have explained all the important parameters and the steps that should be followed for ideally selecting the home exterior paint. From listing out your personal choice preferences to deciding the color and sampling, you can easily finalize your home exterior paint color for delightful wall appearances.

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